smartwatch review Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite In-Depth Look! The $45 Smartwatch With GPS and MORE!!

The me watch light all right, so this watch is a brand new device that was just launched by xiaomi and it costs about 300 yuan or 180 ringgit or 45 us dollars, depending on where you are on this planet all right. So i already have the watch here on my wrist and before i begin with this video, i just want to thank dasher for passing me. This device to test out uh dasher has always been very supportive of my channel and i’ve always been passing me. These new toys to check out so i can share my experience with you guys so without further ado, let’s just jump into the full video and check out what this me watch light is all about all right. So, if you’re familiar with this device here, that might be because you’ve seen something very similar with the different name and so actually just to keep the story short. The me watch light is actually a rebranded redmi watch so in china, they’re selling it for the redmi watch, but the global markets are going to know it. As the me watch light i’m flipping the box to the back here, just want to show you guys something very quickly if i just zoom in here for you to see you’ll notice that even the name, the model of the of the me watch light is actually A redmi right there, so if you can see it here on the screen, that is great all right, so let’s just run through a couple of features here very quickly of the mi watch light we do have gps.
Gps is number one on the list right here. So, very, very good stuff. We also have a couple of fitness modes: water resistance, swimming stroke, rear condition. It also has your screen auto brightness 1.4 inch lcd touch screen and also your 24 hour heart rate monitoring. So those are the features that xiaomi is promoting with the me watch light right here, all right, so i’ve already unboxed, this uh mi watch light right here and i’ve actually tested it out a little bit. So here we go. This is the me watch light guys. Alright, so on first impressions it does look very cool. It does look a bit like a toy though, but i kind of like the look of this me watch light right here on the sides here. Everything is actually made out of plastic, but it actually feels pretty good to the touch this tiny little button over here. It looks like it’s made of aluminum i’m, not really sure about that, but it definitely feels well built and nicely put together all right onto the straps. Here, though, these straps is actually a bit of a mixed feeling for me right here, because it does look. Okay, it’s very slim – and we do have this hook here – that is kind of funky right here, but when i try to put it on it’s, just not the easiest to put on it is a bit. How should i say a bit too rubbery for my liking? So it was a bit hard to put on and it wasn’t the most comfortable uh, comparing it very quickly to my misfit.
Beat you right here all right, so the big view is going to stay there for a minute because i’m going to be talking about it. Very later, a little bit more in the video but let’s focus back on the mi watch light right here. So if you flip the watch to the back you’ll notice that now we have these straps here that doesn’t come with those tiny latches. But you can still swap out the the straps at the back here using this button right there, so you can actually just pull it off to remove the straps here and maybe get different colors from xiaomi themselves. So this is not the standard generic kind of straps. Here but at least you still get the option to swap them out if you want a different color all right, so looking at the back here, we also have the xiaomi branding at the back here and a couple of sensors there to track your your sleeping activities. Your heart rate tracking and all that so that’s at the back here as well, um overall, just looking at the watch, it looks pretty nice here very nice, totally blacked out device right here which looked absolutely cool. On one note, let me just show you guys how the charger looks like very quickly, so the charger for the me watch light here is actually this little cradle and there is no magnetic kind of stuff going on. So you need to have to like put it on here and snap it in place and then you’ll be able to get the watch in the cradle right here.
So charging is actually a pretty cool affair. Let me just show it to you very quickly so notice that when i plug it in the charge, you actually do have a nice little clock that shows up right here. So that’s, really nice. Looking you have your battery over there, as well as the date and the day, so imagine this little thing by your bedside. It actually looks pretty cool, but do take note that the screen will actually go off after a couple of seconds. So if you still want to see the time you can always press that button there to show the time once more. But yes, i really like the the concept of this because it actually rotates. You know, based on how you have uh your your watch, aligned all right so back to the watch here. Let’S take a quick look at how this runs, so we do have that 1.4 inch. Lcd display – and we have a lot of watch faces – that you can find in the me app i’m going to talk about the app a little bit more later, but we’re going to see how this watch operates so pulling down from the top here. Naturally, you get your notifications, so you can just scroll through to see your other notifications and immediately. I noticed one thing, and that is the refresh rate of the display here is actually at its lowest so uh you won’t see any scrolling going on more or less.
It is actually more like the screen is just uh flipping pages. So let me just show you something else to get that uh message out there. So if you swipe towards the right here is where you get your widgets but notice that the page flips right away, you don’t have any scrolling animations going on uh. Let me show you what a scrolling animation looks like, and here we have the bit. U so look at this. This is what looks like a scrolling animation, whereas if you don’t have any like high refresh or standard refresh going on, the page will just flip all right. So now that we’ve got that out of the way. Let me just show you the couple of widgets that you can have here, so we do have your heart rate widget. If you swipe towards the right again, you have your calories. This is supposed to be like your activities kind of stuff. You can’t actually interact with it right here. If you just go on this is where you have your sleep data, so i haven’t uh slept while wearing this watch yet so obviously there’s no sleep data here. Yet moving on, we also get our weather. So again, this is the static you can’t enter into it. Nor can you actually see more information here, it’s, just a quick glance for you and last but not least, we have our music controls here, which works with most of the apps music apps that you have in your phone all right.
So moving back let’s just see what else we have here if you scroll up from the bottom here is where you get your control center, so we have a couple of shortcut keys here. We have your flashlight, your lock button raise to wake, do not disturb and more stuff here, of course, a quick shortcut into settings as well, and you have more options in there all right so to go into the list of apps. All you need to do is tap that button right here and here you can see a couple of icons which looks really nice. In my opinion, we can just go down like this to see two pages, all together, there’s two pages, so notice again that there’s no scrolling the page just changes right away. We have a couple of items here. Let me just go through them very quickly, so the first and foremost is actually your activities that is being tracked by this uh mi watch light right here, so just to recap, we do have gps built in into this little guy right here, i’ll be testing that Out more when i use it for a couple more days, but let me just show you what kind of activities we have we have about 11 activities, and that is your outdoor running your treadmill. You also have your outdoor cycling, indoor, cycling, walking, tracking and, of course, your swimming and and more stuff, so that’s. Those are the activities that you can track using.
The me watch light going back here. We also have your activity records, which i have none at the moment. Moving on, we also have your statistics, so your calories burned today your steps, how many times you stood up and there’s a couple more stuff here that you can see on the watch itself. So very nice to see that here moving back again, we of course have our heart rate tracking a sleep tracking. Your this is your camera shortcut. We also have a compass here, uh what’s this. We have your air pressure as well. Okay, so some of you might find this useful, but let’s move back for now. We also have your music controls. You have your alarms. Okay, sorry about that. You have your alarms. You have your stopwatch. You have your timer here as well uh. Of course, we also have the weather, so in the weather app itself, you can go down and see a forecast of a couple more days here, they’re all in the weather, app moving back. We also have your notifications. Uh find your device, the flashlight and your settings. All right, so let me show you guys what other kinds of settings we have in here. So obviously we do have our watch faces. You can adjust your brightness raise to wake heart rates and all that, so you have a couple of features here that you can do with the me watch light here, but other than that it is pretty much uh that’s, pretty much it guys all right.
So one thing a bit missing here on the mi watch light is actually the spo2 uh tracker, so you can’t track your spo2, your blood oxygen levels with this watch right here. What you can track here, however, is your heart rate and your sleep and, of course, your activities with the gps, so that is the main selling point for this little guy right here. The me watch light. Oh before i go. One final thing that i want to share here is that i will be using a different app for this device, actually, all right, so the app that we’re being used here for this mi watch light is the xiaomi wear light and the app is completely redesigned. It’S. Not really the me the me a fit app: yeah it’s, a different watch; uh, sorry it’s, a different app here for the mi watch light and we do have these cards here. That gives a lot of visibility on on the kind of activities that you’re doing. The bad news about this app here is that it is not the best it’s, still a very new app here, and i had quite a lot of troubles trying to log in and register my account, but once you get that done, you are, you are pretty okay, Um, let me just show you very quickly as well uh what kind of watch phases that you can actually get for this uh for this me watch light right here, and there is up to 100 watch phases if you’re not mistaken, so notice that we have a Lot of cool watch faces here all over the device you can see.
I like this one right here, because it comes with a lot of different watch faces very very nicely designed watch faces for the mi watch light. So right now i only i’m using this one, which is uh. It looks a bit retro uh, but i love this watch face very much and all right before i go. Let me just put it on my wrist, so you guys can see how it looks like alright. So we have got the uh mi watch light on my wrist right here, and this is how it looks like like. I said it is a quite a small small uh watch face right here, but this is how it looks like on my racia dummy watch light all right guys. I think this will probably be it for my initial impressions with the me watch. Light i’ll be doing a full review of this guy when i have used it for a couple more days. Of course, i’ll do a hardcore gps test on this device right here to see how good it actually is, and maybe one day if you guys want, i might also do a side by side by side comparison with the amazefit bpu. This is not the pro version that doesn’t come with gps, but the pro version is actually coming soon. Uh yeah we’ll see if we can get that soon, but yeah. Both watches here are actually very similar in terms of specifications, but this amazfit beep beep.
You actually has a couple more tricks up its sleeve, if you have any questions, feel free to leave them down in the comment section below uh. Of course, if you like this video i’ve learned some something from here, don’t forget to hit that like button.
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