Phil Spencer, Xbox One, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Media y Bethesda Games ANYWHERE except PS5 HINTS Xbox CEO Phil Spencer Digital Boundaries News

You know, especially if you love games like elder scrolls fallout and doom well, let’s get into it what’s up bounders my name’s figg, and this is digital boundaries, news guys. Thank you. So much for the support lately we’re, almost at 4 000 subscribers on this channel we’ve gained almost 1 000 subscribers on this channel in the last three weeks alone. That is mind blowing. Thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart. Again, if you like this video make sure you hit the like button, share it with your friends and if you want to see more videos from me hit the subscribe button. Thank you. So phil spencer had a very big interview on kentucky and steven totilio. The editor at large over at kotaku, ran this interview and asked a lot of key questions. If you want to read the entire interview, because it’s actually pretty lengthy i’ll put it in the description of this video, but he covered everything about the issues that’s. You know going on with halo the difference between the xbox series s and the xbox series x, it’s. Actually, a very good read, but one thing i want to point out is a bit of the change in tone that phil spencer has made when it comes to the bethesda deal. If you haven’t heard microsoft bought zenimax media for 7.5 billion dollars and what that means is that zenimax media owned companies like bethesda and id. So if you want it fallout or skyrim, elder scroll series or games like doom and a bunch of other titles, microsoft, just scooped them all up, which also means, since they also own obsidian.
You have the elder scrolls series and outer worlds underneath one umbrella, which is kind of funny, but the messaging was always very straightforward. They said something is short of hey by the way, even though we have these games and they’re now technically, underneath the microsoft studios umbrella we’re not going to try to hold these games over and we’re going to choose which games they’re going to be going to other Consoles on a case case by case basis, so a lot of people were like okay, that’s fair. But you know, microsoft was known, at least in the last gen of trying to really expand their reach. So you could get games on the pc games might even show up on playstation like minecraft, for example. So it’s not unheard of that microsoft will sell their games to pretty much any buyer out there and share it on any platform. They feel is a good business relationship with so this time around people were like. Well, what are you gon na do with bethesda even to tulio. The interview over at kotaku asked bill spencer that exact question. He asked him straight up: hey you guys bought zenimax for 7.5 billion dollars, that’s a lot of money. Can you actually make that investment back by selling it through you and not? You know, selling it on a different platform like the playstation 5. bill. Spencer said yes, but he also expanded after the question was asked bill. Spencer said, and i quote, i don’t want to be flip about that.
This deal was not done to take games away from another player base like that. Nowhere in the documentation that we put together was how do we keep other players from playing these games. We want more people to be able to play games, not fewer people to be able to go play games but i’ll also say in the model. I’M. Just answering directly to the question you had when i think about where people are going to be playing in the number of devices we have, we have xcloud and pc and game pass on our console base. I don’t have to go ship. Those games on any other platform other than the platforms that we support in order to kind of make that deal work for us whatever. That means so in short, yeah he might be saying yeah. We might still bring fallout and elder scrolls and the new doom whenever that comes out on the playstation 5, and it might be on a case by case basis, but in reality that whole concept of hey, you can play the games anywhere. You want we’re not going to hold you back on playing games anywhere. You want well the little asterisk next to it is basically like hey play anywhere. You want, as long as you are using a microsoft owned product, so lay down windows and play it on pc play it on your xbox series, xrs play it on mobile phone and use xcloud, so that’s.
What they’re really saying in this they’re really playing coy. They just don’t want to serve their hand to sony and say: hey let’s, make a deal they’re really going to be holding on to these cards because here’s the thing a lot of people, especially the hardcore sony fans, are gon na, be like i don’t care about Elder scrolls, i don’t care about doom. I don’t care about fallout, but you might not, but a ton of other people do and it’s really disappointing that if you bought a playstation 5 because you enjoy the playstation system and you bought all those games in the prior generations that now you won’t be able To enjoy them or you’re going to get them way later on, because you know microsoft holds all the cards. Microsoft editing is that hey we bought it for 7.5 billion dollars. Why should be? Why should we share that around? I mean they’re, not sharing? Last of us to us they’re not giving us spider man. Why should we give you guys the next elder scrolls game? Why should we give you guys doom? I mean they’re playing hardball, but in their own kind of soft corporate way, they’re! Basically saying that hey! Why to buy this playstation 5.? We have all these other services. You don’t, like the console you have pc you don’t, like the pc. We have mobile, find your way pick the way you want to play these games and we’ll service to you.
What are your thoughts on all this? Do you think microsoft will or should even bother bringing those bethesda games and id games over to playstation 5 if you’re a sony owner? Are you a bit, but you know perturbed about this? Are you annoyed? Does this make you, do you understand the business relationship, or are you just like man that just sucks i want to play the elder scrolls 6 on my playstation 5. trust me, this isn’t there’s, no wrong answer in this. I just feel, at least in my opinion. I’M, i’m. Definitely in the camp up. Let people play whatever game on any platform. They want to play on i’m, not a console person. If someone enjoys playing, you know elder scrolls skyrim for the 20 billionth time. Let them play it on the playstation 5.. Let them play it on the xbox series x and s. Let them play it on mobile, let them play it on pc, let everyone enjoy the games at least that’s, my philosophy, but again this is business and business is not that generous. As always. Thank you for being awesome. Hey thanks for watching the video. By the way, i stream on a regular basis over at for slash dbfig, give me a follow over there and while you’re here, please make sure you subscribe and like this video. It really helps out the channel.
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